Showing Results 141 to 150 of 355

Findings from a public consultation on a new standard for operation and infection prevention and control of long-term care homes

Findings from a public consultation on a new standard for operation and infection prevention and control of long-term care homes

Findings from a public consultation on a new standard for operation and infection prevention and control of long-term care homes

Testing can help manufacturers overcome challenges related to jurisdictional criteria to prevent fat, oil and grease from havoc in sewer systems

White Papers & Infographics

This report describes service delivery innovations, program focus, and efforts of community paramedicine programs in response to COVID-19.

Research Reports

This report describes the current state of health care facility digital infrastructure, identifying gaps for future standards development.

Research Reports

Global Certifications for Hazardous Locations


This research shows how nature-based solutions can be used to manage flood and erosion risks in coastal and riverine environments in Canada.

Research Reports

How the standard for infection prevention and control in health care facilities was developed and how it continues to evolve.

Case Studies

This report provides a framework for developing a code relevant for connected and automated vehicle implementation within North America

Research Reports