
of nuclear facilities waste

produced over time in Canada is categorized as low-level radioactive waste[1]

265 cm3

of used nuclear fuel

(the size of a pop can) would be generated over a person’s lifetime if their electricity use relied exclusively on nuclear energy[2]


nuclear facilities sampled

to date under the Independent Environmental Monitoring program[3]


CSA Group standards, research, policy briefs, and other resources

Leverage the resources CSA Group and its volunteer members developed to provide information, guidance, best practices, and requirements for environmental management of nuclear facilities and radioactive waste management to protect the environment, human health, and safety.


CSA Group Standards for Environmental and Radioactive Waste Management and Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities

Standards for environmental management of nuclear facilities

CSA N288.0:22

Environmental management of nuclear facilities: Common requirements of the CSA N288 series of Standards

CSA N288.1:20

Guidelines for modelling radionuclid environmental transport, fate, and exposure associated with the normal operation of nuclear facilities

CSA N288.2:19

Guidelines for calculating the radiological consequences to the public of a release of airborne radioactive material for nuclear reactor accidents

CSA N288.3.4:13 (R2022)

Performance testing of nuclear air-cleaning systems at nuclear facilities

CSA N288.4:19

Environmental monitoring programs at nuclear facilities and uranium mines and mills

CSA N288.5:22

Effluent and emissions monitoring programs at nuclear facilities

CSA N288.6:22

Environmental risk assessments at nuclear facilities and uranium mines and mills

CSA N288.7:23

Groundwater protection and monitoring programs for nuclear facilities and uranium mines and mills

CSA N288.8:17 (R2022)

Establishing and implementing action levels for releases to the environment from nuclear facilities

CSA N288.9-18

Guidance for design of fish impingement and entrainment programs at nuclear facilities

Standards for radioactive waste management and decommissioning

CSA N292.0:19

General principles for the management of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel

CSA N292.1-16 (R2021)

Wet storage of irradiated fuel and other radioactive materials

CSA N292.2-13 (R2018)

Interim dry storage of irradiated fuel

CSA N292.3-14

Management of low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste

CSA N292.4:23

Storage of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel

CSA N292.5-11 (R2021)

Guideline for the exemption or clearance from regulatory control of materials that contain, or potentially contain, nuclear substances

CSA N292.7:22

Deep geological disposal of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel

CSA N292.8:21

Characterization of radioactive waste and irradiated fuel

CSA N294:19

Decommissioning of facilities containing nuclear substances

Get involved

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments at CSA Group, connect with your peers and the CSA Group team to ask questions and share your insights, or get involved in the standards development. There are many ways to stay in touch and contribute to creating a better, safer, and more sustainable world.

Contact CSA Group’s Nuclear Team with questions or to discuss your standards development needs.

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[1] Inventory of radioactive waste, Natural Resources Canada, accesses in August 2023
[2] Your lifetime used fuel would fit in a soda can. Want proof?, Canadian Nuclear Association, 2019
[3] Independent Environmental Monitoring Program (IEMP), Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, accessed August 2023