
Article Archive

Standards Help Fuel Canada’s Transition to the Bioeconomy

CSA Group’s standards can play a pivotal role in shaping the future of bioenergy and biofuels, sustainable biomass supply chains, safety and performance of biomass conversion technologies, as well as use and end-of-life management of bio-based materials and products.

The Role of Standards in Shaping Effective Public Policy

This paper explores how one underleveraged tool in the policymakers’ toolkit can offer a means of addressing many of the complexities posed by today’s environment, while delivering on the promises of quicker, evidence-based, and consensus-driven solutions.

Tackling Canada’s Time Tax

A “time tax” is paperwork or an administrative burden that people encounter when accessing government services.

Canada’s Black Box of Higher Education Outcomes

There are nearly two million students enrolled in Canadian universities and colleges at any given time. Higher education is a large sector, with public institutions’ revenues totalling $60 billion annually.