nuclear facilities

currently operate in Canada, all licensed by Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission[1]



support the Canadian nuclear industry[2]


safety-significant events

threatening people or environment were reported at Canadian nuclear power plants between 2019 and 2022[3]


CSA Group standards, research, policy briefs, and other resources

Leverage the resources CSA Group and its volunteer members developed to provide information, guidance, best practices, and requirements to help ensure a holistic approach to management and quality assurance systems in the nuclear industry.


Preparing Canada's nuclear industry for world-class performance


CSA Group Standards for Nuclear Power Generation

CSA N286-12 (R2022)

Management system requirements for nuclear facilities

CSA N286.0.1:21

Commentary on CSA N286-12, Management system requirements for nuclear facilities

CSA N286.7-16 (R2021)

Quality assurance of analytical, scientific, and design computer programs

CSA N286.10:16 (R2021)

Configuration management for high energy reactor facilities

CSA N299.1:19

Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants,
Category 1

CSA N299.2:19

Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants,
Category 2

CSA N299.3:19

Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants,
Category 3

CSA N299.4:19

Quality assurance program requirements for the supply of items and services for nuclear power plants,
Category 4

Get involved

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments at CSA Group, connect with your peers and the CSA Group team to ask questions and share your insights, or get involved in the standards development. There are many ways to stay in touch and contribute to creating a better, safer, and more sustainable world.

Contact CSA Group’s Nuclear Team with questions or to discuss your standards development needs.

Join the CSA Group Nuclear Power Generation Community and get access to additional resources, discussion forums, and more.

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[1] Nuclear facilities in Canada, Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, accessed in August 2023
[2] Nuclear in Canada, Natural Resources Canada, 2020
[3] Canadian National Report for the Convention on Nuclear Safety, prepared for the International Atomic Energy Agency’s 9th Review meeting 2023, 2022