1.8 million Canadians

may require home care

by 2031, a 53% increase from 2019[1]


of older Canadians

report planning to live in their own homes as long as possible[2]

$794 million

could be saved

by 2031 by shifting more long-term care patients to home care[2]


CSA Group research, standards, policy briefs, and other resources

Leverage the resources CSA Group and its volunteer members developed to provide you with information, guidance, best practices, and requirements to help ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of home and community care services.

Policy brief

Connecting the standard CSA Z2004:24 to public policy


Introducing the new standard for mental health and well-being in long-term care


CSA Z2004:24 and CIHI Health Indicators

Research report

Dementia-Inclusive Home and Community Care in Canada

Research report

Evaluating Best Practices and Gaps in Equipment and Medication Management in Home and Community Care Settings

Research report

Data Governance for Active Assisted Living Technologies Along the Continuum of Care

Research report

Supporting Mental Health and Well-Being in Community Residential Care Settings

Research report

A Canadian Roadmap for an Aging Society

Research report

The Active Assisted Living Landscape in Canada – Insights for Standards, Policies, and Governance

Research report

Preventing Violence and Harassment in Canadian Workplaces

CSA Z2004:24

Mental health and well-being in long-term care (LTC) and assisted living (AL) settings

CAN/CSA-B659-08 (R2018)

Inclusive design for an aging population

CSA B701:17 (R2021)

Carer-inclusive and accommodating organizations

CAN/CSA-ISO IWA 18:17 (R2022)

Framework for integrated community-based life-long health and care services in aged societies

CAN/CSA-Z1003-13/BNQ 9700-803/2013 (R2022)

Psychological health and safety in the workplace - Prevention, promotion, and guidance to staged implementation

CSA Z8004:22

Long-term care home operations and infection prevention and control

Get involved

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments at CSA Group, connect with your peers and the CSA Group team to ask questions and share your insights, or get involved in the standards development. There are many ways to stay in touch and contribute to creating a better, safer, and more sustainable world.

Contact CSA Group’s Health Care & Well-being Team with questions or to discuss your standards development needs.

Join the CSA Group Health Care and Well-being Community and get access to additional resources, discussion forums, and more.

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