15.5 million

residential, commercial & institutional

buildings in Canada[1]

$81.6 billion


in infrastructure assets in Canada in 2020[2]

2x faster

warming of Canada’s climate

than global average[3] has negative impacts on infrastructure


CSA Group standards, research, policy briefs, and other resources

Leverage the resources CSA Group and its volunteer members developed to provide you with information, guidance, best practices, and requirements to help improve climate resiliency of buildings and infrastructure in Canada.

Research report

Climate Adaptation and Resilience in Commercial Real Estate

Public policy report

Building Together: Improving Collaboration to Deliver More Affordable Housing


CSA Group Codes and Standards for Canadian Infrastructure

Research Report

Galvanic Corrosion in Steel and Aluminum Bridges

Research report

Development of a Geotechnical Design Standard for Buildings in Canada

Research report

Climate Change Adaptation for Dams

Research report

Climate Change Adaptation of Masonry Materials, Design, and Construction


CSA Group Standards for Canadian Built Environment

Industry perspective

Links between the UN SDGs and CSA S478:19 Durability in Buildings

Industry perspective

Link between the UN SDGs and CSA S501:14 Moderating the effects of permafrost degradation on existing building foundations

Research report

Towards a Guideline for Assessing Climate Change Vulnerabilities of Northern Airports

Research report

Use Category for Preservative-Treated Wood in Northern Regions Containing Permafrost

Research report

Investigating Standards for Small Water and Wastewater Systems in Canada’s North

Research report

Structural Design of Wastewater Treatment Plants

CSA A123.26:21

Performance requirements for climate resilience of low slope membrane roofing systems

AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440:22

North American fenestration standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights

CSA A440S1:19

Canadian Supplement to AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440-11, NAFS - North American Fenestration Standard/Specification for windows, doors, and skylights

CAN/CSA-A440-00/A440.1 (R2005)

Windows/User Selection Guide to CSA Standard CAN/CSA-A440-00, Windows

CSA A500:16 (R2021)

Building guards

CSA S6:19

Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code

CSA S6.1:19

Commentary on CSA S6:19, Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code

CSA S478:19

Durability in buildings

CSA S500:21

Thermosyphon foundations for buildings in permafrost regions

CSA S501:21

Moderating the effects of permafrost degradation on existing building foundations

CSA S502:21

Managing changing snow load risks for buildings in Canada's North

CSA S520:22

Design and construction of low-rise residential and small buildings to resist high wind

CSA S900.1:18

Climate change adaptation for wastewater treatment plants

CSA S900.2.21

Structural design of wastewater treatment plants

Get involved

Stay up-to-date with the latest developments at CSA Group, connect with your peers and the CSA Group team to ask questions and share your insights, or get involved in the standards development. There are many ways to stay in touch and contribute to creating a better, safer, and more sustainable world.

Contact CSA Group’s Construction & Infrastructure Team with questions or to discuss your standards development needs.

Join the CSA Group Construction and Infrastructure Community and get access to additional resources, discussion forums, and more.

Get the latest CSA Group news on standards, research, and other activities directly in your inbox.

[1]A Healthy Environment and a Healthy Economy, Government of Canada, 2020

[2]Advancing the Climate Resilience of Canadian Infrastructure, International Institute for Sustainable Development, 2021

[3]Canada’s Changing Climate, Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2019