Showing Results 241 to 250 of 355

This report explores research findings behind the 10 fundamental principles to guide organizations and entities involved in the sharing economy.

Research Reports

Industrial control panels (ICP) are integral to almost every industrial and commercial system available – but they pose significant risks if they are


Over the last few years, we’ve all witnessed an increasing number of extreme weather events and natural disasters that have devastated communities...


Developing land responsibly is key to the prosperity of Canadian communities. From highway construction to hydro dams, and residential communities...


Lead in drinking water can be caused by a number of factors. In fact, there was a time when lead was used in many consumer products but this...

White Papers & Infographics

Ensuring that the Canadian built environment runs as energy efficiently as possible goes a long way in helping the nation reach its climate change...

White Papers & Infographics

With increased globalization of the food industry, companies and regulators can no longer rely on just monitoring and reactionary measures...

White Papers & Infographics

With increased connectivity, commercial and residential home management has improved leaps and bounds, especially for HVACR systems.

White Papers & Infographics

This report explores the challenges and opportunities that can contribute to improved health outcomes in Northern communities.

Research Reports

This executive summary outlines the first phase of developing a set of pipeline safety factors addressed in the standard, CSA Z662

Research Reports