
CSA Group Receives NETCO Endorsement For New Products Targeting Electrical Trades

CSA Group, a leading North American standards development organization, is announcing that three of its soon-to-be-released 2012 Canadian Electrical Code related products have been endorsed by the National Electrical Trade Council (NETCO) a joint Labour-Management partnership of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), First District, Canada and the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association (CECA).

“CSA Group values its strong relationship with the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association (CECA) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), First District, Canada,” says Rob Rashotte, Director, CSA Group Learning Institute. “Recognition by NETCO, the skills development arm of these organizations, and endorsement of our new products by representatives of these key groups who work with and implement the 2012 Canadian Electrical Code and other important standards significantly help in the acceptance and use of these products with key stakeholders.”
Developed by CSA Group’s Learning Institute service, the new products are based on the 2012 Canadian Electrical Code which is slated for adoption by most Canadian provinces and territories before the end of this year. The three endorsed products include:

The Electrical Quick Reference: Designed for electrical journeypersons, it provides a quick reference to information frequently required. The pocket-sized guide provides easy access to commonly used terms, rules, installation practices and calculations that support everyday electrical work, helping to improve safety and efficiency on the job.

The ESAT (Electrician’s Self-Assessment Test): Designed for electrical apprentices preparing for their Certification of Qualification (C of Q) examination for Construction Electricians. It is based on the 2012 Canadian Electrical Code and the 2011 Construction Electrician National Occupational Analysis. This includes access to the online ESAT Canadian Electrician C of Q Practice Tool which features nearly 1,800 sample questions and covers each block, task and sub-task in the Red Seal Program’s National Occupational Analysis for Construction Electricians (2011).

ESAT Electrical Apprentice Study Guide Series: Based on the Canadian Electrical Code and modeled after the Red Seal Program’s National Occupational Analysis for Construction Electricians (2011), this series of publications serves as a guide to apprentices preparing to write an Interprovincial Red Seal Examination.

“NETCO is committed to promoting success in apprenticeship and ongoing journeyperson skills training and these new products will facilitate learning on both fronts,” says NETCO President Phil Flemming. “These products are based on the Canadian Electrical Code and the Red Seal Program which are respected as standards of excellence by electrical industry stakeholders across Canada,” adds NETCO Treasurer Eryl Roberts.

To learn more about these new products, visit http://shop.csa.ca/

About CSA Group

CSA Group is an independent, not-for-profit member-based association dedicated to advancing safety, sustainability and social good. We are an internationally-accredited standards development and testing & certification organization. We also provide consumer product evaluation and education & training services. Our broad range of knowledge and expertise includes: industrial equipment, plumbing & construction, electro-medical & healthcare, appliances & gas, alternative energy, lighting and sustainability. The CSA mark appears on billions of products around the world.


The National Electrical Trade Council (NETCO) is the national voice of the electrical industry in Canada. NETCO is a joint Labour-Management partnership of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), First District, Canada and the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association (CECA). CECA represents over 8,000 electrical contractors across Canada who generate over $5 billion in revenues and who directly employ 70,000 persons. IBEW Local Unions represent approximately 64,000 members in Canada and a significant proportion work as electrical journeypersons and apprentices. NETCO’s mandate is to promote national standards, apprenticeship and ongoing journeyperson skills training in Canada with a particular focus on the three Red Seal electrical trades. For more information visit www.ceca.org/netco.
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Anthony Toderian
Manager, Corporate Affairs
CSA Group
[email protected]

Carol MacLeod
Executive Director
[email protected]


September 27, 2012