Showing Results 1 to 10 of 36

Obtenez des conseils d’experts sur les exigences en matière de cybersécurité relatives aux appareils électroménagers grâce à notre webinaire à la demande. Découvrez comment l’annexe U de la norme CEI 60335-1, 6e éd., aborde la connectivité et la mise à jour à distance des logiciels, permettant de transformer la conformité réglementaire en avantage stratégique.


View our webinar to gain expert insights into applicable cybersecurity requirements for household appliances.


Embarking on the journey to market access can include vast expenses, time investments, and potential hurdles. If you're a food equipment manufacturer, the road becomes even more intricate when navigating in compliance with NSF/ANSI standards. This session has been created to equip you with the essential knowledge for understanding compliance with confidence.


As a consumer electronics manufacturer, we understand that staying up-to-date with the latest safety standards is crucial when navigating the compliance and certification of your products.


CSA Z314:23, Canadian medical device reprocessing in all health care settings (CSA Z314:23), addresses the safe, effective, and reliable reprocessing of reusable medical devices and supplies.


La norme CSA Z662 a été créée pour fournir des conseils sur la conception, la construction et l'entretien sécuritaire des systèmes d'oléoducs et de gazoducs.


The standard CSA Z662 was created to help provide guidance on the safe design, construction, and maintenance of oil and gas pipeline systems.


Medical device manufacturers must consider safety from many perspectives. Learn about the specific regulatory requirements for the North American market.


Des circonstances exceptionnelles pourraient faire en sorte qu’il soit difficile, peu pratique ou même impossible pour les fabricants de se soumettre au processus de certification habituel; pourtant, ils doivent démontrer leur engagement envers la conformité des produits aux normes applicables. Ce webinaire vous permettra de passer en revue les programmes offerts conçus pour résoudre ces problèmes, de cerner les situations où il faut mener un tel programme et d’éviter les erreurs courantes connexes.


Unique circumstances could make it challenging, impractical, or even impossible for manufacturers to undergo the typical certification process yet demonstrate commitment to product compliance with applicable standards. This webinar will walk you through the available programs designed to solve these challenges, how to identify the need for these programs, and how to avoid common mistakes.
