ISO 28278-1:2011
Glass in building -- Glass products for structural sealant glazing -- Part 1: Supported and unsupported monolithic and multiple glazing
détails du produit
Only soda lime silicate glass is taken into consideration in ISO 28278-1:2011.
The glass products are installed and bonded into the support under controlled environmental conditions as described in ISO 28278-2.
Plastic glazing is excluded from the scope of ISO 28278-1:2011.
The structural weatherproofing and sealant and outer seal of IGU products, which are commonly used in structural glazing applications are those based on organo-siloxane,silicone polymers, and recommended for use by the sealant manufacturer. Where there is a risk of earthquakes, the sealant design may not be sufficient to resist the loads, and complementary arrangements may be necessary.
ISO 28278-1:2011 does not preclude the use of other sealant types where these can demonstrate suitability for service according to ISO 28278-1:2011 and when used following the recommendations of the sealant manufacturer.