This Technical Report provides guidance on the use of Ada when producing high integrity systems.
In producing such applications it is usually the case that adherence to guidelines or standards has to be demonstrated to independent bodies.
These guidelines or standards vary according to the application area, industrial sector or nature of the risk involved.
For safety applications, the international generic standard is [IEC 61508] of which part 3 is concerned with software.
For security systems, the multi-national generic assessment guide is [ISO CD 15408].
For sector-specific guidance and standards there are:
- Airborne civil avionics: [DO-178B]
- Nuclear power plants: [IEC 880]
- Medical systems: [IEC 601-4]
- Pharmaceutical: [GAMP]
For national/regional guidance and standards there are the following:
- UK Defence: [DS 00-55]
- European rail: [EN 50128]
- European security: [ITSEC]
- US nuclear: [NRC]
- UK automotive: [MISRA]
- US medical: [FDA]
- US space: [NASA]
The above standards and guides are referred to as Standards in this Technical Report.
The above list is not exhaustive but indicative of the type of Standard to which this Technical Report provides guidance. The specific Standards above are not addressed individually but this Technical Report is synthesized from an analysis of their requirements and recommendations.