This is the first edition of CSA Standard CAN3—G401-M, Corrugated Steel Pipe Products.
This Standard is based on specifications previously prepared by the Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute. In 1970, the Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute first published Specification 501 representing an industry consensus concerning the materials and methods of fabrication that should be used in manufacturing corrugated steel pipe. In addition, the specification dealt with workmanship, repair, quality control, inspection and rejection.
In 1974, the Roads and Transportation Association of Canada, under the direction of the Metric Commission of Canada, took on the task of developing metric standards for all highway products. As part of the task force, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and Communications set up a Unified Drainage Standards Committee to examine existing standards for all drainage products. In 1978, the Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute published a revised Specification 501. The document proposed new product standards predominantly in hard converted metric figures based on the recommendations from the Unified Drainage Standards Committee.
CSA Standard CAN3-G401— M deals with the full range of corrugated steel pipe products currently used 1n Canada including riveted, helical lock seam, and structural plate pipe. Dimensional data is given for all types of round pipe and for standard pipe—arch made from corrugated steel pipe. Dimensional data is not provided for the wide variety of shapes available with structural plate, or for the fittings fabricated from corrugated steel pipe. However, future standards may include this data.
The Committee wishes to acknowledge its indebtedness to the many individuals and organizations who assisted in the preparation of this Standard. We wish to thank the Technical Program Committee of the Corrugated Steel Pipe Institute for its effective co—operation in providing background information required in the preparation of this Standard.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Corrugated Steel Pipe Products under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Ferrous Metals and was approved by these. Committees. This Standard has been approved as a National Standard of Canada by the Standards Council of Canada.
This Standard deals with material and fabrication requirements for corrugated steel pipe and structural plate corrugated steel pipe products.
Corrugated steel pipe and structural plate corrugated steel pipe are used for culverts, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, sub—drains, ground recharge systems, well casings; underpasses, stream enclosures, shelters, and tunnels.
This Standard does not include requirements for hydraulic design, structural design, construction, and installation.