ISO/IEC 29341-8-20:2008
Information technology -- UPnP Device Architecture -- Part 8-20: Internet Gateway Device Control Protocol - Wide Area Network Point-to-Point Protocol Connection Service
Product Details
ISO/IEC29341-8-20:2008(E) enables a UPnP control point to configure and controlPoint-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections on the WAN interface of a UPnPcompliant Internet Gateway Device. Any type of WAN interface that can support aPPP connection can use this service. The series of ISO/IEC 29341 publicationsdefines an architecture for pervasive peer-to-peernetwork connectivity of intelligent appliances, wireless devices and PCs. It isdesigned to bring easy to use, flexible, standards-based connectivity to ad-hocor unmanaged networks whether in the home, in a small business, public spacesor attached to the Internet.