ISO/TS 21547:2010
Health informatics -- Security requirements for archiving of electronic health records -- Principles
Product Details
In ISO/TS 21547:2010 archiving is understood to be a wider process than just the permanent preservation of selected records.
ISO/TS 21547:2010 defines architecture and technology-independent security requirements for long-term preservation of EHRs having fixed content.
ISO/TS 21547:2010 and a complementary Technical Report, ISO 21548, concentrate on the security requirements (integrity, confidentiality, availability and accountability) necessary for ensuring adequate protection of health information in long-term digital preservation. This Technical Specification will also address privacy protection requirements for both the EHR and eArchiving systems used in the healthcare environment.
ISO/TS 21547:2010 defines functional security requirements for long term archiving of EHRs, but the practical archiving models and technology required are outside the concept of this Technical Specification.