ISO 10303-240:2005
Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 240: Application protocol: Process plans for machined products
Product Details
The following are within the scope of ISO 10303-240:2005:
- information out of the planning activity that is contained in the process plans for machined parts which includes:
- numerical controlled machines;
- manual operations.
- the manufacture of a single piece mechanical part, and assemblies of single piece parts for manufacturing purpose which includes:
- process data for part routing which includes manufacturing process and setup sequencing;
- process data for operation.
- interface for capturing technical data out of the upstream application protocols which includes:
- product definition data, including tracking a design exception notice of a part;
- initial material definition data.
- technical data for and/or out of the process planning for machined pats which includes:
- machining features for defining shapes necessary for manufacturing;
- machining feature classification structure;
- geometric and dimensional tolerances of the parts being manufactured;
- materials, and properties of the parts being manufactured.
- references to standards and specifications declared in the process plan;
- work instructions for the tasks required to manufacture a part, using which include:
- references to the resources required to perform the work;
- the sequences of the work instructions;
- relationships of the work to the part geometry.
- information required to support NC programming of processes specified in the process plan;
- shop floor information specified in the process plan;
- information for production planning specified in the process plan;