IEC 61123:2019
Reliability testing - Compliance test plans for success ratio
Product Details
The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) [1, 2][1] has been significantly developed in recent years [3, 4, 5]. This edition contains shorter and accurate tests, a wide range of test plans, and significant additional characteristic data, as follows:
the tests are significantly truncated (the maximum trial numbers are low) without substantially increasing the expected number of trials to decision (ENT);
the true producer’s and consumer’s risks (a', ß') are given and very close to the nominal (a, ß);
the range of the test parameters is wide (failure ratio, risks and discrimination ratio);
the test plans include various risk ratios (not restricted to equal risks only);
the values of ENT are accurate and given in the relevant region (for practical use);
guidelines for extension of the test sets (interpolation and extrapolation) are included.
In Annex C, the use of the cumulative binomial distribution function of Excel that simplifies the procedure of designing has been added (Clause C.3).
Keywords: verify if a reliability of an item/system complies with the stated requirements