This is the sixth edition of CSA Standard W59, Welded Steel Construction (Metal Arc Welding), and supersedes previous editions published in 1940, 1946, 1970, 1977, and 1982. Its technical requirements are identical with those of the first metric edition, which is being published at the same time.
The general format of the 1982 edition of W59 has been preserved. Changes and additions made to the latter appear both in the new edition of W59 and in W59—M, ie:
(a) An updated filler metal table for application to corrosion resistance steels;
(b) A new approach to capacities of partial joint penetration groove welds loaded in longitudinal shear;
(c) More extensive provisions for storage and conditioning of electrodes;
(d) Provisions for attachment of sheet metal to statically loaded structures by means of arc spot welds;
(e) More liberal provisions for acceptable undercuts in joints under static loading;
(f) A simplified welding symbols chart adapted to the scope of W59;
(g) An updated Appendix E.
The Committee intends to revise this edition of W59 as necessary and in response to constructive comments and suggestions from the users.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Welding of Bridges, Buildings, and Machinery under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Welding and was formally approved by these Committees.
This Standard covers welding requirements for any type of welded steel construction with the exception of those types listed in Clause 1.2. Requirements that are essentially common to all such structures are covered in Clauses 1 to 10, while provisions applying specifically to statically loaded structures and to dynamically loaded structures are included in Clauses 11 and 12, respectively.
This Standard is not intended to apply to pressure vessels or to structures governed by special codes such as those of Lloyds, the American Petroleum Institute, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, or the American Water Works Association.
This Standard includes provisions for shielded metal arc (SMAW). submerged arc (SAW), gas metal arc (GMAW). fluxcored arc (FCAW), electroslag (ESW), electrogas (EGW), and stud (SW) welding processes.
The provisions of this Standard are not intended for use with steels having a specified minimum yield strength over 100 000 psi.
Where reference is made to other publications, such references shall be considered to refer to the latest edition approved by the organization issuing that publication.