This new edition of CSA Standard O86, Code of Recommended Practice for Engineering Design in Timber, supersedes the first edition published in 1959.
CSA Standard 086 has been prepared to provide an engineering basis for design in wood products and some fastenings; It assumes the use of standard engineering design procedures and formulas, but includes engineering assumptions and formulas unique to these materials. It also includes data on applicable design methods, allowable unit stresses for materials, and allowable loads on fastenings. Some useful data, including the' methods used in assigning allowable unit stresses for lumber, are included in the Appendices.
When applied to buildings, CSA Standard» 086 is intended to be used in conjunction with the National Building Code of Canada, and is incorporated by reference in the 1970 edition of that Code. In the preparation of CSA Standard 086, liaison has been maintained with the Secretariat and appropriate Committees of the National Building Code of Canada, in order to assure that it is consistent throughout.
The first edition, published in 1959, brought together design information previously dispersed in technical periodicals and individual standards. In this second edition, revisions have been made to incorporate the results of the most recent research. Species groupings have been changed to conform to commercial practice, revised working stresses have been given, the scope of the plywood section has been broadened, and new material on fastenings is incorporated.
This Standard was prepared by a Committee of professional engineers, with balanced representation from producers of wood products, consulting engineers, universities, government, and others. The Committee received valuable advice and counsel from five Subcommittees, covering sawn lumber, glued-laminated timber, plywood, poles and piles, and fastenings. Preparation of this edition took place over a three-year period, with the aid of many comments from interested segments of the general public.
This Standard sets out minimum requirements for the design of timber buildings and other structures of usual proportions. It should not be considered a textbook, and, of course, should be used only by competent engineers. When members or structures are of such specialized nature or complex treatment that the provisions of this Standard are not directly applicable, such competent engineers would be expected to provide minimum requirements equivalent to those set out in this Standard.
Cooperation of the Forest Products Laboratories of Canada, of the Department of Fisheries» and Forestry, Ottawa, the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory, the Division of Building Research of National Research Council, and of the research facilities of the University of British Columbia and of Nova Scotia Technical College, as well as the cooperation of many other research and academic organizations in Canada and the United States, is gratefully acknowledged.
This Standard was prepared by the CSA Committee on Engineering Design in Timber under the jurisdiction of the Sectional Committee on Structures, and was formally approved by these Committees.
1.1 Scope
This Standard provides design criteria for structurally graded lumber, lumber not structurally graded, glued-laminated timber, plywood, piling, pole construction, and major fastenings.
This Standard is intended for use in the design or appraisal of structures or structural elements made from wood or wood products.