This is the fourth edition of CSA Standard C239, Performance Standard for Dusk-to-Dawn Luminaires. It supersedes the previous editions, published in 1994, 1989, and 1973.
This Standard is based on the efficiencies (lumens) produced from luminaires in the downward direction below 90 degrees vertical. The data was submitted by lighting manufacturers who represent the dusk-to-dawn luminaires used in today’s market.
This Standard has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.
This Standard applies to luminaires, traditionally known as dusk-to-dawn luminaires or area security lights, for use in non-hazardous locations that are intended for installation outdoors on branch circuits of 600 V nominal or less between conductors in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. Typical luminaires are shown in Figure 1.
This Standard covers the performance criteria of the luminaires.
The light sources that are used in the luminaires and covered in the Standard are metal halide, high pressure sodium, low pressure sodium, and mercury vapour lamps.