CAN/BNQ 1784-000/2022
Canadian Hydrogen Installation Code
Product Details
The Canadian Hydrogen Installation Code sets the installation requirements for hydrogen-generating equipment for non-process end use, hydrogen utilization equipment, hydrogen-dispensing equipment, hydrogen storage containers, hydrogen piping systems, and their related accessories.
It applies to all gaseous and liquid hydrogen applications except the following:
• hydrogen production or use in petroleum refineries and chemical plants as feedstock and directly in process production;
• industrial facilities where hydrogen is produced, handled and stored for off site end use;
• etc.
This code is approved by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC).
Purpose and Scope
The purpose of this code is to establish the installation requirements for hydrogen-generating equipment for non-process end use, hydrogen utilization equipment, hydrogen-dispensing equipment, hydrogen storage containers, hydrogen piping systems, and their related accessories.
It applies to all gaseous and liquid hydrogen applications except the following:
a) hydrogen production or use in petroleum refineries and chemical plants as feedstock and directly in-process production;
b) industrial facilities where hydrogen is produced, handled and stored for off-site end use;
c) industrial installations producing hydrogen as a by-product that is vented to atmosphere;
d) cryogenic systems used for hydrogen liquefaction;
e) hydrogen installations on board vehicles for onboard use;
f) vehicles that use hydrogen for propulsion;
g) hydrogen transportation, including hydrogen utility pipeline distribution and transmission pipelines.