This fifteenth edition of the Canadian Electrical Code was approved by the Committee on the CE Code, Part I, and the Advisory Council on Electrical Safety at their June 1985 Meetings in Calgary, Alberta. This fifteenth edition supersedes previous editions published in 1927, 1930, 1935, 1939, 1947, 1953, 1958, 1962, 1966, 1969, 1972, 1975, 1978 and 1982.
Sections 0 to 16 and 26 are considered to be General sections; the others being Supplementary or Amendatory sections.
The most significant changes have been made to the following sections:
Section 8 - Circuit Loading and Demand Factors
Section 10 - Ground and Bonding
Section 12 - Wiring Methods
Section 18 - Hazardous Locations
Section 26 - Installation of Electrical Equipment
Section 36 - High-Voltage Installations
Section 60 - Electrical Communications Systems
Section 68 - Swimming Pools
In addition, Section 56, Small Isolated Plants, and Section 66, Sound-Recording, Reproduction and Similar Equipment, were deleted and a new section on Optial Fibre Cables was added as Section 56.
Appendix C, Part I Organization and Rules of Procedure, was also revised.
This code covers all electrical work and electrical equipment operating or intended to operate at all voltages in electrical installations for buildings, structures, and premised, including factory-built relocatable and non-relocatable structures, with the following exceptions:
(a) Installations or equipment employed by an electric or communication utility in the exercise of its function as a utility, and located outdoors or in buildings or sections of buildings used for that purpose;
(b) Car wiring, car houses, passenger and freight stations used in the potation of electric railways and supplied with electric current from the railway power circuit;
(c) Installations or equipment used for r4ailways signaling and railway communication purposes, and located outdoors or in buildings or sections buildings used exclusively for such installation;
(d) Aircraft; and
(e) Self-propelled marine vessels except where such vessels are stationary for periods exceeding 5 months and are connected to a short supply of electricity continuously or from time to time.
For coal mines, metalliferous and industrial mines, and quarries, see also CSA Standard CAN3-M421.