This thirteenth edition supersedes previous editions published in 1975, 1972, 1969, 1966, 1962, 1958, 1953, 1947, 1939, 1935, 1930 and 1927.
It includes all revisions to the twelfth edition which have been approved by the Committee on CE Code, Part I and·by the Provincial/Territorial Chairmen's Committee.
Changes, other than minor editorial changes, are indicated by a vertical line in the margin.
As indicated in the previous edition, Sections 0 to 16 and 26 are considered to be General Sections; the others being Supplementary or Amendatory Sections.
The most significant change is the incorporation of metric (SI)* units, wherever practicable.
In general, most linear dimensions and areas have been converted, particularly those which would be measured on the job site. Dimensions which depend upon product dimensions such as pipe or conduit sizes (and threading data), Wire sizes, sheet metal thicknesses (both ferrous and non-ferrous), etc. and which in many cases interface with standards under the Canadian Electrical Code, Part II will probably be converted in the next edition as industry's position for these products becomes consolidated.
Motor and switch ratings at present based on horsepower and fastener dimensions and sizes (e.g., nails, screws and bolts), it is expected, will also be converted in the next edition as information from industry becomes available.
Some conversions have been rationalized while others have been soft converted.
Recognized symbols have been used and for the convenience of the user, the SI unit they represent is listed in the following Table. Also, as a convenience, this Table includes the multiplying factor which may be used to convert the SI* unit to the previously used unit.
* SI is the abbreviation, in all languages, for the Système International d'unités (International System of Units) adopted by the eleventh Conférence Géneralé des poids et mesures, (CGPM) in 1960. CGPM is the international authority on the SI. See also CSA Standards CAN3-Z234.1-79, Canadian Metric Practice Guide and CAN3-Z234.2-76, The International System of Units (SI).
This Code covers all electrical work and electrical equipment operating or intended to operate at all voltages in electrical installations for buildings, structures, and premises, including factory-built relocatable and non-relocatable structures, with the following exceptions:
(a) Installations or equipment employed by an electric or communication utility in. the exercise of its function as a utility, and located outdoors or in buildings or sections of buildings used for that purpose;
(b) Car wiring, car houses, passenger and freight stations used in the operation of electric railways and supplied with electric current from the railway power circuit;
(c) Aircraft; and
(d) Self-propelled marine vessels except where such vessels· are stationary for periods exceeding 5 months and are connected to a shore supply of electricity continuously or from time to time.
For coal mines, metalliferous and industrial mines, and quarries, see also Canadian Electrical Code, Part V.