This is the second edition of CSA Standard B272, now entitled Prefabricated Self—Sealing Vent Flashings. It supersedes the first edition published in 1973 under the title, Prefabricated Vent Flashings.
The major changes in this edition are the requirements for polymeric materials in Clause 3.1.3 and the use of SI units.
Products in substantial accord with this Standard but which exhibit minor differences from it may be deemed to meet the Standard providing it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the authority having jurisdiction, the intended user of the product, or the certification agency acting on their behalf, that these differences will not impair the suitability of the product for its intended purpose.
This Standard was prepared by the Technical Committee on Prefabricated DWV Vent Flashings under the jurisdiction of the Standards Steering Committee on Plumbing Products and Materials and was formally approved by these Committees.
This Standard covers the minimum requirements for prefabricated vent flashings used to effect a permanent weather seal between the vent pipe and the adjoining roof structure without the use of additional sealing materials around the vent pipe. On—site fabricated units are not included.
This Standard includes requirements for material, workmanship, and weather resistance. Methods of marking to indicate compliance with this Standard are also included.