This new edition of CSA Standard A23.3. Code for the Design of Concrete Structures for Buildings, supersedes previous editions published in 1959, 1966 and 1970.
This Code is a substantial revision of the 1970 edition and in its preparation ACl Standard 318-71, Building Code Requirement for Reinforced Concrete, Was used as the basic working document. Revisions and additions to the ACI Clauses have been made where thought desirable or necessary.
Note that the provisions for the design of prestressed concrete formerly covered by CSA Standard A13S have now been brought within the scope of this Standard.
This Standard was prepared by the joint CSA/NBC Committee on Reinforced Concrete Design under the Jurisdiction of the Sectional Committee on Structures and was formally approved by these Committees.
1.1 General. This Standard applies to the design of building structures of reinforced (prestressed or non-prestressed) concrete.
1.2 Special Structures. For special. structures such as arches, tanks, reservoirs, grain elevators, blast resistant structures and chimneys, and for plain concrete, the provisions of this Standard shall govern so far as they are