CSA OnDemand™ (Multi-user subscription)
Items Included (2 Items)
Download a list of included itemsCAN/CSA-Z243.210-F89 (C2014)
Traitement de l'information - Systèmes bureautiques - Langage normalisé de balisage généralisé (SGML) et facilités de support SGML - Format d'échange de documents SGML (SDIF) (Norme ISO 8879:1986 et ISO 9069:1988 adoptée)
- Active
- French
CAN/CSA-Z243.210-89 (R2014)
Information Processing - Text and Office Systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), and SGML Support Facilities - SGML Document Interchange Format (SDIF) (Adopted ISO 8879:1986 and ISO 9069:1988)
- Active
- English