Codes & Standards - Purchase
CAN/CSA-ISO/IEC 9798-6-06
Information Technology - Security Techniques - Entity Authentication - Part 6: Mechanisms Using Manual Data Transfer (Adopted ISO/IEC 9798-6:2005, first edition, 2005-08-01)
SKU: 2418298
Published by CSA Group
Publication Year 2006
44 pages
Product Details
1. Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 9798 specifies four entity authentication mechanisms based on manual data transfer between authenticating devices. As described in Annexes A and B, these mechanisms may be used to support key management functions; guidance on secure choice of parameters for the mechanisms is provided in Annex C.
Such mechanisms may be appropriate in a variety of circumstances. One such application occurs in personal networks, where the owner of two personal devices capable of wireless communications wishes them to perform an entity authentication procedure as part of the process of preparing them for use in the network.