Passenger Ropeways
Product Details
This PDF includes GI #2.
1.1 General
This Standard provides requirements for the design, manufacture, construction, modification, operation, inspection, testing, and maintenance of passenger ropeways.
The requirements of this Standard are adequate under conditions normally encountered in the industry. Requirements for abnormal or unusual conditions are not specifically provided for, nor are all details of engineering and construction prescribed. It is intended that all work performed within the scope of this Standard shall meet or exceed the safety standards expressed or implied herein.
1.2 Equipment Covered
For this Standard, passenger ropeways include
(a) reversible, single and double, above-surface ropeways;
(b) fixed grip and detachable grip ropeways, circulating above- surface ropeways, including gondola ropeways, chair ropeways, and similar devices;
(c) surface ropeways, including T-bar ropeways, J-bar ropeways, platter ropeways, and similar devices; and
(d) tows, including wire and fibre rope tows.
1.3 Freight
Freight may be carried on the equipment covered by this Standard, provided that allowance has been made in the design and the appropriate precautions are taken.
1.4 Existing Installations
The operation, maintenance, and testing requirements of this edition shall be met.
Note: Existing equipment installed in compliance with previous editions of this Standard may not comply with the new design req uirements.
1.5 Exceptions
In the case of novel design, or new configurations that cannot be precisely classified, or cases of reported nonconformance, exceptions from the requirement may be made, provided that equ ivalent safety is provided.
1.6 Funicular Railways
This Standard may be adopted for use with funicular railways and self-powered reversible above-surface ropeways.
1.7 Mandatory and Advisory Rules
To carry out the provisions of this Standard, the word shall is to be understood as mandatory and the word should as advisory. All notes in italics are considered advisory except notes to Tables, which are mandatory.