ISO/TS 21569-7:2022
Horizontal methods for molecular biomarker analysis — Methods of analysis for the detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products — Part 7: Real-time PCR based methods for the detection of CaMV and Agrobacterium Ti-plasmid derived DNA sequences
Product Details
The methods specified in this document will detect and identify naturally occurring CaMV or Rhizobium radiobacter (Ti plasmid) DNA, or both, if present in the sample in the absence of a genetically modified plant event containing the specified target sequences.
Both methods are based on the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and are applicable for the analysis of DNA extracted from foodstuffs and other products such as feedstuffs and seeds/grains. The application of the methods requires the extraction of an adequate amount of amplifiable DNA from the relevant matrix.
With appropriate calibration material, the CaMV ORF V or nos copy number, or both, can be estimated and compared, respectively, with the estimated copy number for the promoter (P-35S, P-nos) or the terminator (T-35S, T-nos) sequences, or both. Thereby, conclusions are possible about the presence of an unknown genetically modified organism (GMO) in addition to any detected CaMV DNA or Rhizobium radiobacter Ti plasmid DNA, or both, in a test sample.