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ISO/IEC 19075-9:2022
Information technology — Guidance for the use of database language SQL — Part 9: Online analytic processing (OLAP) capabilities (Guide/OLAP)
SKU: iso_083319_184127
Published by ISO/IEC
Publication Year 2022
1 Edition
49 pages
Product Details
This document discusses the syntax and semantics for including online analytic processing (OLAP) capabilitiesin SQL, as defined in ISO/IEC 9075-2.It discusses the following features regarding OLAP capabilities of the SQL language:— Feature T611, “Elementary OLAP operations”,— Feature T612, “Advanced OLAP operations”,— Feature T614, “NTILE function”,— Feature T615, “LEAD and LAG functions”,— Feature T616, “Null treatment option for LEAD and LAG functions”,— Feature T617, “FIRST_VALUE and LAST_VALUE functions”,— Feature T618, “NTH_VALUE function”,— Feature T619, “Nested window functions”,— Feature T620, “WINDOW clause: GROUPS option”,— Feature T621, “Enhanced numeric functions”