ISO 2232:2022
Round non-alloy steel wires for general purpose wire ropes, large diameter wire ropes and mine hoisting wire ropes —Specifications
Product Details
It specifies:
— the dimensional tolerances;
— the mechanical characteristics;
— the required conditions for any coatings;
— the conditions of sampling, control and terms of acceptance.
It applies to round, bright, zinc (Zn) or zinc/aluminium (Zn/Al) alloy coated wires of quality A or quality B and of nominal diameters from 0,2 mm to 7,0 mm.
It does not apply to steel wire taken from manufactured ropes.
It does not apply to wire for steel wire ropes for special applications, such as:
— ropes for aircraft controls;
— ropes for aerial ropeways;
— ropes for lifts;
— ropes for prestressed concrete;
— ropes for conveyor belts.