ISO/TS 21219-13:2025
Intelligent transport systems — Traffic and travel information via transport protocol experts group, generation 2 (TPEG2) — Part 13: Public transport information service (TPEG2-PTS)
Product Details
The PTS application design is based on three main use cases.
— Provision of alert information: an alert is a warning that indicates an emergency situation. This case is specifically relevant for broadcast/push mode, for major deviations or disruptions which are relevant for a large number of travellers. A dedicated alert request is also defined and can be used if a backchannel is available.
— Timetable information, both scheduled and real time: this information is in some cases relevant for broadcast, e.g. in case of large events for the transport modalities to/from the event site. A dedicated timetable request is also defined and can be used if a backchannel is available.
— Individual requests for trip information (backchannel is required).
The PTS application focuses on providing core information regarding public transport in order to ensure the compactness of the TPEG application. Specific information as provided in typical public transport apps (e.g. fare information) is not in the scope of this document.