ISO/TR 22126-2:2025
Financial services — Semantic technology — Part 2: OWL representation of the ISO 20022 metamodel and e-repository
Product Details
a) transformation of the sample message into an RDF instance graph;
b) demonstrating a set of SPARQL rules that transform the auth.016 message into a FIX TradeCaptureReport(35=AE) message (hereafter simply referred to as “FIX AE”);
c) expressing the metamodel, business components and message components exactly with a custom RDF vocabulary;
d) representing those schemas as OWL schemas using OWL vocabulary when possible and annotation properties otherwise;
e) creating instance graphs for the auth.016 sample messaging using the vocabulary of the business components and message components.
This document also discusses the choices that arise in structuring RDF documents equivalent to documents in XML, and FIX Tag-Value format balancing considerations such as preserving the order of parts of the message versus creating graphs that are suitable for RDFS and OWL inference.