ISO 23266:2020
Soil quality — Test for measuring the inhibition of reproduction in oribatid mites (Oppia nitens) exposed to contaminants in soil
Product Details
Effects of substances are assessed using standard soil, preferably a defined artificial soil substrate. For contaminated soils, the effects are determined in the test soil and in a control soil. According to the objective of the study, the control and dilution substrate (dilution series of contaminated soil) should be either an uncontaminated soil with similar properties to the soil sample to be tested (reference soil) or a standard soil (e.g., artificial soil).
Information is provided on how to use this method for testing substances under temperate conditions.
This document is not applicable to substances for which the air/soil partition coefficient is greater than 1, or to substances with vapour pressure exceeding 300 Pa at 25 °C.
NOTE The stability of the test substance cannot be assured over the test period. No provision is made in the test method for monitoring the persistence of the substance under test.