ISO 22232-2:2020
Non-destructive testing — Characterization and verification of ultrasonic test equipment — Part 2: Probes
Product Details
a) single- or dual-transducer contact probes generating longitudinal and/or transverse waves;
b) single-transducer immersion probes.
Where material-dependent ultrasonic values are specified in this document they are based on steels having a sound velocity of (5 920 ± 50) m/s for longitudinal waves, and (3 255 ± 30) m/s for transverse waves.
This document excludes periodic tests for probes. Routine tests for the verification of probes using on-site procedures are given in ISO 22232-3.
If parameters in addition to those specified in ISO 22232-3 are to be verified during the probe's life time, as agreed upon by the contracting parties, the procedures of verification for these additional parameters can be selected from those given in this document.
This document also excludes ultrasonic phased array probes, therefore see ISO 18563-2.