ISO 19867-1:2018
Clean cookstoves and clean cooking solutions — Harmonized laboratory test protocols — Part 1: Standard test sequence for emissions and performance, safety and durability
Product Details
This document specifies laboratory measurement and evaluation methods for
a) particulate and gaseous air pollutant emissions,
b) energy efficiency,
c) safety, and
d) durability of cookstoves.
This document does not include evaluation of off-gassing from manufacturing oils, coatings, adhesives, and other materials (which can be found in ISO 10377 and ISO 14159). This document does not include evaluation of safety for cookstoves designed to burn a liquid and/or gaseous fuel, such as LPG (liquefied petroleum gas), alcohol, plant oil, kerosene, etc. Safety evaluation of gas-fuelled cookstoves can be found in ISO 23550 and ISO 23551 (all parts). This document does not include durability evaluation of rechargeable batteries in fan-assisted cookstoves. This document provides a standard test sequence to establish international comparability in measurement of cookstove emissions and efficiency. Guidelines for reporting results from the laboratory measurement and evaluation methods are described. For cookstoves used in applications covered by additional requirements (e.g., local air quality and safety regulations), additional test conditions and special evaluation methods may apply.