ISO 17091:2013
Workplace air -- Determination of lithium hydroxide, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide and calcium dihydroxide -- Method by measurement of corresponding cations by suppressed ion chromatography
Product Details
For aerosol sampling, the method is applicable to the personal sampling of the inhalable fraction of airborne particles, as defined in ISO 7708, and to static (area) sampling.
The method is applicable to the determination of masses of 0,005 mg to at least 2,5 mg of lithium per sample and 0,01 mg to at least 5 mg of sodium, potassium, and calcium per sample.
The concentration range of particulate LiOH, NaOH, KOH, and Ca(OH)2 in air for which the measuring procedure is applicable is determined by the sampling method selected by the user. For a 1 m3 air sample, the working range is approximately 0,002 mg m−3 to at least 20 mg m−3 for all four hydroxides. For a 30 l air sample, the lower limit of the working range is approximately 0,1 mg m−3 for all four hydroxides.
The procedure does not allow differentiation between the hydroxides and their corresponding salts if both are present in the air. If the cations are present alone in the form of hydroxides, the method is specific for these basic compounds. In other circumstances, the results obtained represent the highest concentration of the hydroxides that could be present in the sampled air.