ISO 11916-2:2013
Soil quality -- Determination of selected explosives and related compounds -- Part 2: Method using gas chromatography (GC) with electron capture detection (ECD) or mass spectrometric detection (MS)
Product Details
ISO 11916-2:2013 can be used when reliable and specific identification of the compounds at low detection levels is required, e.g. for the evaluation of the toxic potential of soils contaminated with 2,6-DNT.
Under the conditions specified in ISO 11916-2:2013, concentrations as low as 0,05 mg/kg dry matter can be determined, depending on the substance. Similar compounds may be analysed using this method. This is, however, to be verified experimentally. This method is not suitable for the analysis of hexogen (RDX), octogen (HMX), hexyl, tetryl and nitropenta (PETN).