ISO 22901-2:2011
Road vehicles -- Open diagnostic data exchange (ODX) -- Part 2: Emissions-related diagnostic data
Product Details
ISO 22901-2:2011 contains emissions-related OBD data examples described in ODX. The data examples derive from ISO 15031 (all parts).
The emissions-related OBD ODX modelled diagnostic data describe the protocol specification from diagnostic communication of emissions-related ECUs; the communication parameters for the emissions-related OBD protocols and data link layers and for emissions-related ECU software; the related vehicle interface description (connectors and pin-out); and the functional description of diagnostic capabilities of a network of ECUs.
ISO 22901-2:2011 is based on emissions-related diagnostic data derived and formatted according to the ISO 15765-4 DoCAN protocol. The definitions and XML representation is exemplary for all other protocols that are referenced in ISO 15031-5.