ISO 9308-2:2012
Water quality -- Enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria -- Part 2: Most probable number method
Product Details
This method relies upon the detection of E. coli based upon expression of the enzyme b‑D‑glucuronidase and consequently does not detect many of the enterohaemorhagic strains of E. coli, which do not typically express this enzyme. Additionally, there are a small number of other E. coli strains that do not express b‑D‑glucuronidase.
The choice of tests used in the detection and confirmation of the coliform group of bacteria, including E. coli, can be regarded as part of a continuous sequence. The extent of confirmation with a particular sample depends partly on the nature of the water and partly on the reasons for the examination. The test described in ISO 9308-2:2012 provides a confirmed result with no requirement for further confirmation of positive wells.