ISO 10890:2010
Paints and varnishes -- Modelling of biocide release rate from antifouling paints by mass-balance calculation
Product Details
The standard is applicable to any antifouling paint that releases a biocide. Where an antifouling paint releases, or is assumed to release, more than one biocide, the calculation can be repeated to allow estimates of the release rate of each biocide to be obtained.
The calculated estimate of the total amount of biocide released by the coating over its lifetime can be considered as a worst case for the maximum amount released to the environment, and so the calculated mean release rate value should also be considered as the maximum possible mean release rate over the lifetime of the paint.
The calculated estimates are suitable for use in general environmental risk assessments, and the application of appropriate correction factors will allow the most accurate and representative environmental risk assessment to be made in the relevant scenario and risk assessment case.
There are no minimum or maximum limiting values of release rate which restrict the use of the method.
The standard is primarily directed towards the release of biocide from antifouling paints that have been applied to ship and boat hulls. It can, however, also be used for estimating biocide release from antifouling paints that have been applied to other objects.