ISO 28460:2010
Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Installation and equipment for liquefied natural gas -- Ship-to-shore interface and port operations
Product Details
- pilotage and vessel traffic services (VTS);
- tug and mooring boat operators;
- terminal operators;
- ship operators;
- suppliers of bunkers, lubricants and stores and other providers of services whilst the LNG carrier is moored alongside the terminal.
ISO 28460:2010 includes provisions for
- a ship's safe transit, berthing, mooring and unberthing at the jetty;
- cargo transfer;
- access from jetty to ship;
- operational communications between ship and shore;
- all instrumentation, data and electrical connections used across the interface, including OPS (cold ironing), where applicable;
- the liquid nitrogen connection (where fitted);
- ballast water considerations.
ISO 28460:2010 applies only to conventional onshore LNG terminals and to the handling of LNGC's in international trade. However, it can provide guidance for offshore and coastal operations.