Codes & Standards - Purchase
ISO 7029:2017
Acoustics -- Statistical distribution of hearing thresholds related to age and gender
SKU: iso_042916_160229
Published by ISO
Publication Year 2017
3 Edition
22 pages
Product Details
ISO 7029:2017 provides descriptive statistics of the hearing threshold deviation for populations of otologically normal persons of various ages under monaural earphone listening conditions. It specifies the following, for populations within the age limits from 18 years to 80 years for the range of audiometric frequencies from 125 Hz to 8 000 Hz:
a) the expected median value of hearing thresholds given relative to the median hearing threshold at the age of 18 years;
b) the expected statistical distribution above and below the median value.
For the frequencies from 3 000 Hz to 8 000 Hz, the median and statistical distribution for populations above 70 years are presented for information only.
ISO 7029:2017 also provides for information the expected median values at audiometric frequencies from 9 000 Hz to 12 500 Hz within the age limits from 22 years to 80 years.