ISO 24153:2009
Random sampling and randomization procedures
Product Details
ISO 24153:2009 is applicable whenever a regulation, contract, or other standard requires random sampling or randomization to be used. The methods are applicable to such situations as
a) acceptance sampling of discrete units presented for inspection in lots,
b) sampling for survey purposes,
c) auditing of quality management system results, and
d) selecting experimental units, allocating treatments to them, and determining evaluation order in the conduct of designed experiments.
Information is also included to facilitate auditing or other external review of random sampling or randomization results where this is required by quality management personnel or regulatory bodies.
ISO 24153:2009 does not provide guidance as to the appropriate random sampling or randomization procedures to be used for any particular experimental situation or give guidance with respect to possible sampling strategy selection or sample size determination. Other ISO International Standards (such as ISO 2859, ISO 3951, ISO 8422, ISO 8423, ISO 13448, ISO 14560, ISO 18414, ISO 21247 and ISO 11648) or authoritative references should be consulted for guidance in such areas.