ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004
Graphical symbols -- Technical guidelines for the consideration of consumers' needs
Product Details
Such graphical symbols can be included in consumer documentation.
ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004 does not cover road traffic signs and graphical symbols for use in technical documentation.
Rules for the design of graphical symbols are given in International Standards. ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004 brings together information on relevant international reference documents and standards to assist technical committees and designers to follow best practice when considering the need for a new graphical symbol.
IMPORTANT -- The colours represented in the electronic file of ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004 can be neither viewed on screen nor printed as true representations. Although the copies of ISO/IEC Guide 74:2004 printed by ISO have been produced to correspond (with an acceptable tolerance as judged by the naked eye) to the requirements of ISO 3864-1, it is not intended that these printed copies be used for colour matching. Instead, consult ISO 3864-1 which provides colorimetric and photometric properties together with, as a guideline, references from colour order systems.