ISO/TS 10303-325:2004
Industrial automation systems and integration -- Product data representation and exchange -- Part 325: Abstract test suite: Building elements using explicit shape representation
Product Details
- the specification of the test purposes associated with ISO 10303-225;
- the verdict criteria to be applied during conformance testing of an implementation of ISO 10303-225 using ISO 10303-21 or ISO 10303-22;
NOTE The verdict criteria are used to ascertain whether a test purpose has been satisfactorily met by an implementation under test (IUT) within the context of a given test case.
- the abstract test cases to be used as the basis for the executable test cases for conformance testing.
The following are outside the scope of ISO/TS 10303-325:2004:
- the creation of executable test cases;
- test specifications for tests other than conformance testing such as interoperability or acceptance testing;
- other implementation methods.