IEC 60730-2-14:2017+AMD1:2019+AMD2:2021 CSV
Automatic electrical controls - Part 2-14: Particular requirements for electric actuators
Product Details
EXAMPLE: Controls for commercial catering, heating and air-conditioning equipment. Electric actuators for appliances are within the scope of IEC 60335. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1995, its Amendment 1 (2001) and its Amendment 2 (2007). This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: adapting it to the 5th Ed of IEC 60730-1, addition of checking electric actuators with action 1.AB or 2AB, and modification of tests under abnormal condition. This Part 2-14 is intended to be used in conjunction with IEC 60730-1. It was established on the basis of the 5th edition of that standard (2013). Consideration may be given to future editions of, or amendments to, IEC 60730-1. This part 2-14 supplements or modifies the corresponding clauses in IEC 60730-1, so as to convert that publication into the IEC standard: Particular requirements for electric actuators. Where this part 2-14 states addition, modification or replacement, the relevant requirement, test specification or explanatory matter in part 1 should be adapted accordingly. Where no change is necessary part 2-14 indicates that the relevant clause or subclause applies.