IEC 62499:2021
Railway applications - Current collection systems - Pantographs, testing methods for contact strips
Product Details
It is based on EN 50405:2015. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2008. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Title modified;
b. The scope of this standard is changed from carbon contact strips to contact strips;
c. Replacement of several reference standards;
d. Several terms and abbreviated terms are introduced;
- The definitions of metalized contact strip and metal contact strip are introduced according to the metal or carbon content by weight;
- The definitions of contact strip structures and types are introduced;
e. Requirements for data sheets are introduced;
f. Table 1: Schedule of tests and Table 2: Sequence of tests are introduced;
g. the requirements for certain test methods and test acceptance criteria are updated;
h. Test of metal content for metalized contact strip, test of the coefficient of friction, optional test of the impact resistance of the carbon material and optional test of wear properties are added;
- Annex A and Annex B are introduced.