IEC 62541-9:2020
OPC Unified Architecture - Part 9: Alarms and Conditions
Product Details
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added optional engineering units to the definition of RateOfChange alarms;
b) to fulfill the IEC 62682 model, the following elements have been added:
- AlarmConditionType States: Suppression, Silence, OutOfService, Latched;
- AlarmConditionType Properties: OnDelay, OffDelay, FirstInGroup, ReAlarmTime;
- New alarm types: DiscrepencyAlarm, DeviationAlarm, InstrumentDiagnosticAlarm, SystemDiagnosticAlarm.
c) added Annex that specifies how the concepts of this OPC UA part maps to IEC 62682 and ISA 18.2;
d) added new ConditionClasses: Safety, HighlyManaged, Statistical, Testing, Training;
e) added CertificateExpiration AlarmType;
f) added Alarm Metrics model.