IEC 61709:2017
Electric components - Reliability - Reference conditions for failure rates and stress models for conversion
Product Details
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: addition of 4.5 Components choice, 4.6 Reliability growth during the deployment phase of new equipment, 4.7 How to use this document, and of Clause 19 Printed circuit boards (PCB) and Clause 20 Hybrid circuits with respect to IEC TR 62380; addition of failure modes of components in Annex A; modification of Annex B, Thermal model for semiconductors, adopted and revised from IEC TR 62380; modification of Annex D, Considerations on mission profile; modification of Annex E, Useful life models, adopted and revised from IEC TR 62380; revision of Annex F (former B.2.6.4), Physics of failure; addition of Annex G (former Annex C), Considerations for the design of a data base on failure rates, complemented with parts of IEC 60319; addition of Annex H, Potential sources of failure rate data and methods of selection; addition of Annex J, Presentation of component reliability data, based on IEC 60319.
The contents of the corrigendum of October 2019 have been included in this copy.
Keywords: failure rate data, reliability prediction of electric components