IEC 61180:2016
High-voltage test techniques for low-voltage equipment - Definitions, test and procedure requirements, test equipment
Product Details
- defined terms of both general and specific applicability;
- general requirements regarding test objects and test procedures;
- methods for generation and measurement of test voltages;
- test procedures;
- methods for the evaluation of test results and to indicate criteria for acceptance;
- requirements concerning approved measuring devices and checking methods and measurement uncertainty. Alternative test procedures may be required and these should be specified by the relevant technical committees. Care should be taken if the test object has voltage limiting devices, as they may influence the results of the test. The relevant technical committees should provide guidance for testing objects equipped with voltage limiting devices. This 1st edition of IEC 61180 cancels and replaces the 1st edition of IEC 61180-1, issued in 1992, and the 1st edition of IEC 61180-2, issued in 1994. Key words: High Voltage Test Techniques, Dielectric Tests, Disruptive Discharge, Withstand Voltage.